Sonia’s Circus Company


      Sonia Gandhi confirmed her intention by saying “I am not here to get personal benefit from politics”!

     Ofcourse, she is right. She does not have any personal intention or interest, she is doing it for the sake of her directionless party and directionless so called LEADERs…! and she is doing it at the behest of her coterie.

    Or better to say, she herself is not doing anything. Abrupt end to the parliament session, backdoor tantram to “save Sonia”…. all were done not by Sonia herself, but the great Chanakyas of Congress culture!

     The attempt of Congress to tarnish the image of its foe in UP Samajavadi Party (read Jaya Bachhan) boomeranged. Now, the congress Chanakya’s feared that, like Jayaprada, “our sacrifice specialist leader” Sonia also get humiliated, they instucted her to conduct a sacrifice drama again.

     Congress is making all efforts to the “lone leader who only can save and lead Congress” all sorts of protection by making mockery of Indian Constitution.

     This is another round of the great Indian Tamasha….!
     Good luck Congress (Which has no leading Indian personality).


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